Fremen Sietch Entrance
Always thought it would be interesting to explore a fremen society that traveled through smaller sietches, taking up their belongings and moving to the next safe haven. This sietch doesn't stay exactly true to the universe, but still wanted to have a crack at it. The rock formations were based upon the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.
Fremen Council Chamber
Light pours in from the small rock fracture above as the Fremen elders wearing stillsuits exit their discussion chamber- they have come to a decision on the next migration, and will lead their people to a new home.
'He who controls the spice controls the universe.'
One of the Bene-Gesserit spice production plants- in their attempt to seize control of Arrakis, the Bene Gesserit designed many different spice production plants to ease their efforts and gain control over the guild navigators. I have an exterior view of this that I will publish soon, showing the function of the station.